Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/436

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. Les porteurs de passeports frangais entrant aux Etats-Unis ou dans les possessions am6ricaines, acquitteront les droits suivants: 1. Visa de transit valable pour une entree pendant une p6riode d'un an a partir de la date de delivrance $2.75 2. Visa de passeport pour non-immigrant valable une ou plusieurs fois pour l'entree pendant une periode d'un an; le sejour aux Etats-Unis a chaque entree sera pour telle periode que fixerait les autorites d'immigration, $4.25 3. Visa de passeport pour non-immigrant valable une ou plusieurs fois pour l'entr6e pendant une periode de deux ans; le sejour aux Etats-Unis a chaque entree sera pour telle periode que fixerait les autorites d'immigration, $8.50 Le visa d'immigrant reste inchange./ . L'Ambassade de France saisit l'occasion de Ia presente note pour renouveler au Departement d'Etat les assurances de sa tres haute consideration. Washington, le 16 Septembre 1947. FL DEPARTEMENT D'ETAT Washington, D.C . Translation EMBASSY OF FRANCE IN THE UNITED STATES MC/DH No. 387 SCA 4-1 WASHINGTON The Embassy of France presents its compliments to the Depart- ment of State and has the honor to refer to the note of the Department Ante, p. 3780. of State dated September 16, 1947 concerning a new reciprocal agree- ment relating to passport visa fees, replacing that of December 10, 61 Stat.,Pt.3,p.2795. 1946. The Embassy of France has the honor to inform the Department of State that the French Government accepts the proposals contained in the above-mentioned note and that the following fees will be pre- scribed as soon as the French consular authorities can receive the necessary instructions for valid passport visas of American citizens entering France or the French possessions. 1. Visa valid for one entry during a period of one year permitting a stay of from one day to three months 325 francs 2. Visa valid for any number of entries during a period of one year permitting a stay, on each entry, not to exceed three months 500 francs 3. Visa valid for any number of entries during a period of two years permitting a stay, on each entry, not to exceed three months 1,000 francs 4. Visa valid for any number of entries during a period of two years permitting a stay, on each entry, of over three months 1,200 francs 3782