Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/450

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-SHIPPING-OCT. 30, 1946 3797 (b) To consider and make recommendations on matters within its scope upon the request of any organ of the United Nations or other inter-governmental specialized agency. (c) To advise on matters relating to the draft constitution for a permanent inter-govermnental maritime organization. ARTICLE III-MIembership Membership in the Council shall consist of those governments which notify the Government of the United Kingdom of their acceptance of this Agreement, being either governments members of the UMCC [1] Anle, p.3794. or governments members of the United Nations. ARTICLE TV-Organization (1) The Council shall consist of all Member Governments. (2) The Council may elect an Executive Committee consisting of twelve member governments which shall exercise such functions as may be delegated to it by the Council. The Executive Com- mittee shall not be established by the Council until at least twenty governments have accepted this agreement. (3) The Council shall at each session determine the host Government and the time for its next meeting. Upon the request of not less than four of the members the Chairman shall summon the Coun- cil for an earlier date. The Government of shall convene the first meeting of the Council at any time after March 1, 1947. (4) The host Government arranged for each session shall designate a Chairman who shall hold office until the host Government for the next following session has been decided, and shall pro- vide the necessary secretariat for meetings held within its territory. (5) Decisions of the Council shall be taken by a majority of those present and voting. Ten Members shall constitute a quorum. The Council shall otherwise determine its own rules of procedure. ARTICLE V-Entry into Force (1) This agreement shall remain open for acceptance in the archives of the Government of the United Kingdom and shall enter into force when twelve Governments, of which five shall each have a total tonnage of not less than 1,000,000 g. t . of shipping have accepted it.[2] [United Maritime Consultative Council.] ' [Entered into force Apr. 23, 1947, acceptances having been deposited in behalf of: the United States, Nov. 20, 1946; Australia, Apr. 23, 1947; Belgium, Dec. 8, 1946; Canada, Dec. 5, 1946; Chile, Dee. 12, 1946; Denmark, Feb. 4, 1947; France, Dec. 18, 1946; Greece, Jan. 29, 1947; Netherlands, Jan. 1, 1947; Norway, Jan. 14, 1947; Poland, Feb. 27, 1947; and the United Kingdom, Dec. 1, 194. The agree- ment was subsequently accepted by Brazil, India (subject to a reservation whereby India retained full liberty "(i) to take whatever measures may be neceesary In pursuit of their declared policy of assisting the rapid development of the Mer- cantile Marine, and (11) to promote suitable amendments to the Agreement"), and New Zealand.]