Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/554

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. 3902 61 Stat. , Pt. 3, p. 3257. Additional funds. October 2, November Agreement between the United States of America and Ecuador respecting 14, 1947 [T. I. A. S. 1749] a cooperative educationalprogram in Ecuador, extending and modifying an agreement of January 22, 1945. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Quito October 2 and November 14, 1947; effective from January22, 1948. The American Charge dPAffaires ad interim to the Ecuadoran Minister for Foreign Affairs EMBASSY OF THE UNIED STATES OF AMERICA No. 325 Quito, October 2, 1947 EXCELLENC : I have the honor to refer to the exchange of notes between His Ex- cellency Sr. Dr. Camilo Ponce Enriquez, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Government of Ecuador, and The Honorable Robert McGregor Scotten, Ambassador of the United States to the Government of Ecua- dor, on January 22, 1945, concerning the establishment of a co- operative education program in Ecuador. It will be recalled that my Government agreed to send a small staff of experts and technicians to Ecuador to cooperate with officials of the Ecuadoran Government and, particularly, with the Minister of Public Education, in a specific pro- gram for the improvement of public education in Ecuador in accord- ance with a detailed agreement to be worked out between the Ministry of Public Education and the Inter-American Educational Founda- tion, Inc. Following the exchange of the above communications, details with regard to the execution of the program were agreed to by the Minister of Public Education and the President of the Inter-American Educa- tional Foundation, Inc. In accordance with this agreement there was established within the Ministry of Public Education the Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Educacion through which the co- operative program has been administered. In accordance with recent legislation passed by the Congress of the United States of America, all of the property, assets, functions, personnel, liabilities and restrictions of the Inter-American Educa- tional Foundation, Inc., have been transferred to and assumed by The Institute of Inter-American Affairs, the now corporate instrumentality of the United States Government created by such legislative action. I have now been informed by the Department of State in Washing- ton that additional funds amounting to $7,168 U.S . currency have been made available by The Institute of Inter-American Affairs for the continuation of the joint education program in Ecuador to be ex- pended over a period to be mutually agreed upon by the appropriate officials of the Ecuadoran Government and a representative of The