Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/643

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61 STAT.] ITALY-FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS-AUG. 14 ,1947 ANNEX I 3991 The Government of the United States of America intends to effect returns, pursuant to Article I, paragraph 1 (a) of this Memorandum Ante, p .38. of Understanding, by appropriate legislation permitting returns of vested property to the Government of Italy and subjects or citizens of Italy and corporations or associations organized under the laws of Italy upon the terms and conditions generally applicable to return of such property to others eligible for return pursuant to Section 32 of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended. 60 Stat. 50. 50 U. S.C. app. It is understood that while the Government of the United States of 5§32, 619. America will seek to eliminate Italian nationality as a disqualification from eligibility for return pursuant to Section 32 (a) of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, (a) The Government of the United States of America does not UiNnsobligation by intend to assume any obligation to make returns to any of the following: tmakeretuns in cer (1) The Italian Fascist Party, any organization closely affiliated therewith (other than the Government of Italy) or any person who was a member of such party or organization at any time after September 8, 1943; or (2) Any person, firm or organization convicted of violation of any of the statutes set forth in Section 34 (a) of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended; or o stat. 925. (3) Any person, firm or organization convicted of war crimes or 620. of having collaborated with an enemy country after September 8, 1943; or (4) Any person, firm or organization indicted or officially charged with war crimes or with having collaborated with an enemy country after September 8, 1943, until such person, firm or organization has been officially acquitted or cleared of such indictment or charge; or (5) A corporation or association organized under the laws of any country other than Italy or Trieste; or (6) Any individual who was at any time after December 7, 1941, a citizen or subject of a nation other than Italy with which the United States of America has at any time since December 7, 1941, been at war; or (7) Any individual voluntarily resident at any time since Decem- ber 7, 1941, within the territory of any nation other than Italy with which the United States of America has at any time since Decem- ber 7, 1941, been at war; (b) Ultimate disposition of property falling under the terms of U ' mmtefpd section (a), paragraphs (1)-(7) above is reserved for future decision by the Government of the United States of America, after consulta- tion between the Governments of Italy and the United States of America; (c) The Government of the United States of America does not intend to make returns in any case in which it deems that return would be contrary to its interests in respect of national security or antitrust or fiscal policy; and