Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/689

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61 STAT.] NETHERLANDS-AMERICAN DEAD IN WORLD WAR II-APR. 11, 1947 4037 Agreement between the United States of America and the Netherlands April 1, 147 respecting American dead in World War II. Effected by exchange of IT.i . A. S. 1777] notes signed at The Hague April 11, 1947; entered intoforce April 11, 1947. The American Charge d'Affaires ad interim to the Netherlands Minister for Foreign Affairs No. 705 THE HAGUE, April 11, 1947. EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to my note No. 688, of March 26, 1947, ['] in which I informed Your Excellency that the Department of State had authorized the Embassy to effect an exchange of notes with Your Excellency concerning American War Graves in the Nether- lands and in its Overseas Territories. The plan presented by the American Graves Registration Command, including the "major concessions" desired, in connection with Amer- ican War Graves in the Netherlands and the Netherlands Overseas Territories, is as follows: "1. The Plan Presented: 1. It is the declared policy of the Government of the United States of America, upon application by the next of kin, to return to the Homeland for interment at places designated by the next of kin, or in national cemeteries, the remains of persons who died on or after September 3, 1939, and are buried outside the continental limits of the United States, and who were: a. Members of the armed forces of the United States who died in the service. b. Civilian officers and employees of the United States. c. Citizens of the United States who served in the armed forces of any Government at war with Germany, Italy, Japan, or any other belligerent power, and who died while in such service and who were citizens of the United States at the time of such service. d. Citizens of the United States whose homes are in fact in the United States and whose death, outside the continen- tal limits thereof can be directly attributedto the war or who died while employed or otherwise engaged in activi- ties contributing to the prosecution of the war. e. Such other citizens of the United States, the return of the remains of whom would, in discret of the Secretary of War, serve the public interest. ,[Not printed.