Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/695

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61 STAT.] RUMANIA--AMERICAN DEAD IN WORLD WAR II-JUNE 19, 28 , 1946 4043 and are now buried in Rumania or any possession or territory now or hereafter subject to the control of the Rumanian Government. "1. The United States, through its duly designated representatives . S .rights, etc. shall have the following rights, privileges and prerogatives: "A. The Government of the United States shall have the right Temporary ceme-


teries. to establish and maintain such temporary cemeteries as are necessary for the burial of deceased persons subject to its control and to make exhumations therefrom for repatriation or concentration into other cemeteries abroad; and may move bodies from other countries into and/or through Rumania and its territories and possessions for intern- ment and/or trans-shipment. "B. The Government of the United States shall be exempt from Permitsfordisinter- all national, local or other laws and/or regulations relating to the per- mits for disinterments; sanitation, upon an assurance that such work will be conducted in a manner not detrimental to public health; and from the payment of any duties, taxes or fees of any kind whatsoever for the burial, disinterment for reburial or movement of bodies or the maintenance of graves. "C. The Government of the United States shall have the right exietentrance and of free entrance and exit for all personnel, supplies, transportation (air, mail, animal, motor, and water) serving or belonging to the United States and the use of air fields or port facilities, warehousing, living quarters, office space, rail and water transportation and the right to employ labor in Rumania, its territory and possessions, essential to the accomplishment of its mission upon payment of just compensation therefor. "D. The Government of the United States shall have the un- Rights of search. restricted rights of search for the remains of members of its Armed Forces and/or its citizens. "E. The Government of the United States shall have the unre- stricted right to examine and copy all records, military or civilian, which may be of assistance in locating the graves, or identifying the remains of its deceased military or civilian personnel. "F. The Government of the United States shall have the right to question and examine citizens of Rumania and to take affidavits in furtherance of its search for, and identification of remains of members of its Armed Forces and/or its citizens. "2. The Government of Rumania will render all possible assistance AbstancefromRu- in locating and securing the effects of deceased military and civilian ma niGoem personnel of the United States, and upon demand and the furnishing of a proper receipt will turn over to representatives of the United States all effects so located and secured. "3. If in the future the Government of the United States wishes to establish permanent cemeteries or erect memorials in Rumania, the Rumanian Government will exercise its power of eminent domain to