Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/703

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61 STAT.] SWEDEN-PASSPORT VISA FEES-APR . 10, 30 , 1947 Sweden, and for Swedish citizens or subjects proceeding to the United States. At the request of the Government of Sweden this arrange- ment was amended, effective September 5, 1939, whereby there was established a fee of Kroner 4 for visaing the passport of an American citizen and a fee of $1.25 for granting a nonimmigrant passport visa to a Swedish citizen or subject. The Government of the United States understands from the Swedish Legation's Note No. 140 that visa requirements, but not passport re- quirements, will be waived for American citizens proceeding to Sweden or Swedish territory and that such citizens who desire to remain in Sweden or Swedish territory for a period of time longer than three months, or to take employment therein, except in the cases of officials of the United States Government, their families, servants, and em- ployees, will be required to obtain a permit, the fee for which will be 4 crowns for a stay of one month, 6 crowns for three months, and 12 crowns for more than three months; these periods of time being in addition to the original period of three months for which no visa or residence fee will be required. It is further understood that any num- ber of entries may be made into Sweden or Swedish territory without a visa provided the total time spent in Sweden or Swedish territory does not exceed three months in any nine months period, but that this time limit does not apply to crew members of commercial aircraft who enter Sweden or Swedish territory and whose names appear on the aircraft's manifest on which they arrive provided they leave Sweden or Swedish territory within a reasonable time. In view of the understanding outlined herein the Government of the United States will waive the passport visa fees, effective on and after June 1, 1947, for citizens or subjects of Sweden who are bona fide non- immigrants within the meaning of the immigration laws of the United States. A nonimmigrant passport visa granted by an American dip- lomatic or consular officer is valid for any number of applications for admission into the United States or United States territory during a period of twelve months from date of issuance, provided the passport of the bearer is valid for that period. The Government of the United States proposes that passport visas may be granted to nonimmigrants for an initial period of two years on and after June 1, 1947. The pe- riod of validity of the visa relates only to the period within which it may be used in connection with an application for admission at a port of entry and not to the length of stay in the United States which may be permitted the bearer if he is admitted. The period of stay is a matter within the discretion of the immigration authorities. The fee for an immigration visa to permit an alien to apply for admission into the United States with the privilege of residing per- manently in this country is $10.00. The amount of this fee is pre- scribed by the Immigration Act of 1924, and it may not be changed on the basis of a reciprocal arrangement. GJH DEPATMENT OF STATE, Washington, April 30 1947 4051 4 Stat. 2489. Permit for stay in Sweden longer than three months. Nonapplicability to crew of commercial aircraft. Waiver of desig- nated passport visa feesbyU. S. Fee for immigration visa. 43 Stat. 15 . 8U. S .. O note.