Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/71

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61 STAT.] CZECHOSLOVAKIA-WAR ACCOUNTS AND CLAIMS-JULY 25, 1947 An Official of the Czechoslovak Mlinistry of Foreign Affairs to the American Anmbassador PRAGUE, July 25, 1947. MY DEAR MR. AMBASSADOR: With reference to the agreement signed today between our govern- ment regarding the settlement for certain outstanding war accounts, I am glad to confirm that under the payment arrangements referred to in paragraph one of that agreement, claims detailed below and totaling $6,053,647.03 are settled by that agreement: 1. Claims in the amount of $5,200.000 covering all unpaid U.S . Army Procurement of facilities, goods and services /other than coal/ in Czechoslovakia through 31 March 1946. 2. Payment in the amount of $703,647.03 covering all coal provided the U.S . Army by the Czechoslovak Government through 31 March 1946. 3. In addition to the above, the Czechoslovak Government will turn over to the designated disbursing officer of the United States Army a total of 1,500,000 Allied Military Marks at a value of $150,000 in fur- ther consideration of the exchange made under the terms of the settle- ment agreement. It is the further understanding of my government that Czech crowns remaining in the official accounts of U.S . Army disbursing officers in an amount not to exceed 69,039.355 Czech crowns, apart from the Czech crowns mentioned in the settlement under the terms of para- graph one of the agreement, will be available for expenditure in Czechoslovakia by the U.S . Army and its affiliated entities et a rate not less favorable to the U.S . than 50 crowns equal one U.S . dollar. Procurement of facilities, goods and services for use outside Czech- oslovakia by the U.S . Army and its affiliated entities with such crowns will be freely permitted by my government on a basis no less favorable to the U.S . than 25 percent of the payment for such procurement to be made with these crowns and 75 percent of the payment to be with U.S. dollars. I should appreciate your advising me whether the foregoing is in accordance with the understanding of the United States Government. Sincerely yours, BYSTRICKY His Excellency LAURENCE A. STEINHARDT Ambassador of the United States, Prague. 3413