Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/735

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61STAT.] CANSADA-RUSH-BAGOT AGREEMENJT- June 9,10,1939, Oct. 30Nov.2 , 19404 4083 TFeb.26, UMar.9, 1942, Nov. 18, Dec. 6, 1946 pretation of the Rush-Bagot Agreement accepted by our two Govern- ments. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. H. H. WRONG The Honourable DEAN ACHESON, Acting Secretary of State, Washington, D. C. The Acting Secretary of State to the CanadianAmbassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON, D. C . December 6, 1946 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No. 421 of November 18, 1946, in which you advised me that your Government has proposed a further interpretation of the detailed provisions of the Rush-Bagot Agreement. My Government is in complete accord with yours as to the historic importance of this Agreement as a symbol of the friendship between our two countries and agrees that it is the spirit of this Agreement which guides our Governments in matters relating to naval forces on the Great Lakes. I am now pleased to inform you that my Government concurs with your proposal, namely, that the stationing of naval vessels on the Great Lakes for training purposes by either the Canadian Government or the United States Government shall be regarded as consistent with the spirit of the Rush-Bagot Agreement provided that full information about the number, disposition, functions and armament of such vessels shall be communicated by each Government to the other in advance of the assignment of vessels to service on the Great Lakes. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest con- sideration. DEAN ACHESON Acting Secretary of State His Excellency H. H. WRONG, Canadian Ambasador.