Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/752

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4100 Benito Coquet J. Jesus Castorena Manuel Aguilar Alfonso Guerra Arcadio Ojeda G. Jorge Medellin" UNn. roCipnentn o I am requested to state also that, while my government is ready to Mexican contracts. comment informally as to the practicability of any contract proposed by the Mexican Government covering the terms of employment be- tween United States employers and Mexican agricultural workers, my government cannot be a party to any contracts made or provide policing for the fulfillment of such contracts, as made clear in the discussions between the representatives of the two governments. The workers will have, however, the usual remedies or recourses avail- able to residents in the United States in the same field of employment. I also wish to point out to Your Excellency that my government considers the present agreement as distinct and independent of that entered into between our two governments in connection with the recruitment of agricultural workers by representatives of'the United States Department of Agriculture in the sense that the first has to do with contractual relations between Mexican laborers and United States employers, whereas the second has to do with contractual relations between Mexican laborers and the United States Govern- ment. If Your Excellency's Government approves the above quoted agreement and is in accord with the other paragraphs of the note, I propose to Your Excellency that this note and the reply to it con- stitute the exchange of notes contemplated in Article 10 of the agree- ment above quoted. Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. His Excellency Sefior Don JArME TORRES BODET Secretary of ForeignRelations, Mexico, D.F. WALTER THURSTON INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. In witness whereof, the present document has been prepared in sextuplicate in both Spanish and English and has been signed by the members of both Delegations on this thirty-first day of January, Nineteen hundred and forty-seven." DELEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES William G. MacLean Maurice L. Stafford MEXICAN DELEGATION