Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/772

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. The Embassy is in receipt of instructions from the Department of State authorizing it to conclude arrangements for the reciprocal agree- ment and, if it is agreeable to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Xffdect date. Foreign Commerce, the Embassy would suggest that the effective date for the reciprocal waiver of fees for visitors' visas be set as February 17, 1947. The Embassy will appreciate it if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Commerce will indicate whether this date is acceptable to the Belgian Government and takes this occasion to renew the as- surances of its highest consideration. BRUSSELs, January 17, 1947. The Belgian Ministry of ForeignAffairs and Foreign Commerce to the American Embassy MINISTBER DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES, Direction G4nerale C 26me section - 6eme bureau P n° 2202/Pr/Etats-Unis. BRuxLLEEs, Me 3 fevrier 1947. Le Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres et du Commerce Exterieur a 1'honneur de faire savoir a I'AMBASSADE DES ETATS UNIs D'AMERIQUE a Bruxelles, comme suite a sa note du 17 janvier 1947, n° 600, que le Gouvernement beige est d'accord pour fixer au 17 f6vrier 1947 la date d'entree en vigueur de l'arrangement intervenu entre les deux pays en matiere de visas de passeports. Les instructions necessaires vont etre adressees aux agents diplo- matiques et consulaires de Belgique a l'etranger. Translation MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, General Oce C 2nd Section - 6th Bureau P No. 2202/Pr/Unitd States BRUSSELS, February3,1947. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Commerce has the honor to inform the Embassy of the United States in Brussels, in further reference to its note No. 600 of January 17, 1947, that the Belgian Government agrees that February 17, 1947, shall be fixed as the date of the entry into force of the arrangement concluded between the two countries in the matter of passport visas. The necessary instructions will be transmitted to Belgian diplo- matic and consular agents abroad. 4120