Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/78

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. of such premises in the head- et pour 1'incorporation de ces lo- quarters district. caux au district administratif. SECTION 5 Aerodrome. In the event that the United Nations should find it necessary and desirable to establish and oper- ate an aerodrome, the conditions for the location, use and operation of such an aerodrome and the con- ditions under which there shall be entry into and exit therefrom shall be the subject of a supplemental agreement. SECTION 6 Potal service. In the event that the United Nations should propose to organ- ize its own postal service, the conditions under which such serv- ice shall be set up shall be the subject of a supplemental agree- ment. ARTICLE III Law and Authority in the Head- quarters District SECTION 7 (a) The headquarters district shall be under the control and authority of the United Nations as provided in this agreement. (b) Except as otherwise pro- vided in this agreement or in the General Convention, the federal, state and local law of the United States shall apply within the headquarters district. (c) Except as otherwise pro- vided in this agreement or in the General Convention, the federal, state and local courts of the United States shall have jurisdic- tion over acts done and transac- tions taking place in the head- quarters district as provided in SECTION 5 Au cas oA l'Organisation des Nations Unies estimerait neces- saire et souhaitable d'6tablir et d'exploiter un aerodrome, les con- ditions relatives A l'emplacement, a l'utilisation et a l'exploitation de cet a6rodrome, ainsi que les conditions dans lesquelles se feront les entrees et les sorties de l'a6ro- drome, feront l'objet d'un accord additionnel. SECTION 6 Au cas of l'Organisation des Nations Unies se proposerait d'or- ganiser son propre service postal, les conditions de la creation de ce service feront l'objet d'un accord additionnel. ARTICLE III Droit en vigueur et autorites competentes dans le district administratif SECTION 7 a) Le district administratif sera sous le contr6le et l'autorit6 de l'Organisation des Nations Unies, conform6ment aux dispositions du present accord. b) Sauf dispositions contraires du present accord ou de la Con- vention generale, les lois federales, d'etat et locales des Etats-Unis seront applicables a l'int6rieur du district administratif. c) Sauf dispositions contraires du present accord ou de la Con- vention generale, les tribunaux fed&raux, d'etat ou locaux des Etats-Unis seront competents pour connaitre, selon les termes des lois fedrales, d'6tat ou locales applicables en l'espce, des actes 3420 Applicabtlity of U. o. laws. Jmrisdiction of U. S . courta