Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/793

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61 STAT.] BRAZI--AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-SEPT. 6, 1946 tics of each service. b) The rates to be charged by the air carriers of either Contracting Party between points in the territory of the United States and points in Brazilian territory referred to in the attached Schedules shall, consistent with the provisions of the present Agreement and its Annex, be subject to the approval of the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties, who shall act in accordance with their obligations under the present Annex, within the limits of their legal powers. c) Any rate proposed by the air carrier of carriers of either Contracting Party shall be filed with the aeronautical authori - ties of both Contracting Parties at least thirty days before the propo- sed date of introduction; provided that this period of thirty days may be reduced in particular cases if so agreed by the aeronautical authori ties of both Contracting Parties. d) The Civil Aeronautics Board of the United States ha- ving approved the traffic conference machinery of the International Air Transport Association (hereinafter called IATA), for a period of one year beginning in February 1946, any rate agreements concluded through this machinery during this period and involving United States air car- riers will be subject to approval of the Board. Rate agreements con- cluded through this machinery may also be required to be subject to the approval of the aeronautical authorities of the United States of Brazil pursuant to the principles enunciated in paragraph (b) above. e) The Contracting Parties agree that the procedure dej oribed in paragraphs (f), (g) and (h) of this Section shall apply 1 - If during the period of the Civil Aeronautics Board's al proval of the ZATA traffic conference machinery, either any specific rate agreement is not approved, within a reasonable time by either Coj traeting Party or a conference of IATA is unable to agree on a rate, or 2 - at any time no IATA machinery is applicable, or 3 - if either Contracting Party at any time withdraws or fails 96847'-0--PT. IV- -l 4141 Filing of proposed rates. IATA.