Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/796

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4144 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. SCTIOHN V=i. Changes inroutes OChanaes made by either Contracting Party in the routes lPost, pp.4156 , desoribed in the Schedules attached except those which change the points 4158. served by these airlines in the territory of the other Contracting Par- ty shall not be considered as modifications of the Annex. The aeronau- tical authorities of either Contracting Party may therefore proceed uni laterally to make such changes, provided, however, that notice of any change is given without delay to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party. If such other aeronautical authorities find that, having Ane, p. 4139. regard to the principles set forth in Section T of the present Annex,in terests of their air carrier or carriers are prejudiced by the carriage by the air carrier or carriers of the First Contracting Party of traffic between the territory of the second Contracting Party and the new point in the territory of a third country, the authorities of the two Contrac- ting Parties shall consult with a view to arriving at a satisfactory agreement. S9CTION IX. Exchange of infor- mation. After the present Agreement oomes into foree, thi aero- nautical authorities of both Contracting Parties will exchange informa- tion as promptly as possible concerning the authorizations extended to their respective air earriers t* designated to render service on the rqg te mentioned in the annexed schedules or any pert thereof. This will specially include copies of authorizations granted together with euah mg difications as may occur and any annexes.