Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/822

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Il1 STAT.] AUSTRIA-OCCUPATION COSTS-JUNE 21, 1947 4171 Agreement between the United States of America and Austria respecting occupation costs of United States Forces in Austria. Signed at Vienna June 21, 1947; entered into force July 1, 1947. AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNITED STATES FORCES IN AUSTRIA AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF AUSTRIA In order to assist the Government of Austria in the restoration of its economic life and the return of its democratic processes, the United States Forces in Austria hereby declares its policy in regard to the payment of Occupation Costs in Austria: Hereafter, the United States Forces in Austria will pay, in United States dollars, for all real estate and chattels appurtenant thereto, utility service, services, and supplies furnished for the maintenance of United States Forces in Austria. To assist the United States Forces in Austria in the accomplish- ment of this objective, the Austrian Government hereby subscribes to the following procedures and agrees to furnish technical assistance necessary to implement the provisions stated below: PAYMENT PROCEDURE: 1. Payment for real estate and chattels appurtenant thereto, utility service, services and supplies furnished will be made quarterly, or at such shorter intervals as may be deemed desirable by the United States Forces in Austria in American dollars by the United States Forces in Austria to the Austrian Government. The United States Forces in Austria will present vouchers quarterly or at such shorter intervals as may be deemed desirable by the United States Forces in Austria on all items furnished together with sufficient dollars at the agreed rate of exchange to cover the amount included in the vouchers, for which the Austrian Government will acknowledge receipt and make proper payment against the vouchers submitted and all claims arising under future agreements. BASES FOR DETERMINATION OF RENTALS AND VALUES: 2. The rental value of real estate and chattels appurtenant thereto will be determined by adding (a) the annual furnished rental value in schillings of the real estate as determined by the Federal Ministry of Finance of the Austrian Government as of 1 June 194T, (b) esti- mated annual schilling cost of electricity, gas and water, (c) estimated annual schilling cost of such inspections and services as may be re- June 21, 1947 [T..A .S . 1921] Payment in U. S. dollars.