Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/859

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. procurement not eligible for reciprocal aid, the dollar value being computed at the rate in force when the goods and services were actually furnished. gPocurd emrcnt of 3. AppropriSatenited Stas and French authorities will determine the cases in which United States Armed Forces will, in conformity with the requirements of the French Government, procure, in Con- tinental France including Corsica and in French Overseas Territories, goods and services through appropriate French agencies designated by the French authorities, and the cases in which they will procure such goods and services through direct purchases. Goods and services procured by United States Armed Forces before the termination of reciprocal aid when ineligible, and after the termi- nation of reciprocal aid, will be paid for on the basis of the French authorities' presentation of appropriate documents in a form accept- able to the United States Armed Forces as has been, or may be, agreed upon between the United States Armed Forces and the French authorities. Return of uused 4. In Continental France including Corsica and in French Over- seas Territories unused francs may be returned to the French Govern- ment by the United States Armed Forces at any time, and will be re- purchased by the French Government against dollars at the rate at which they were acquired by the United States Armed Forces; it being stipulated that the obligation of the French Government to repur- chase said francs shall not exceed the amount of francs acquired against dollars on and after December 26, 1945 by the United States Armed Forces, after deducting therefrom the amount of francs used by the United States Armed Forces for procurement of goods and services. Sale of scrap and 5. In conformity with the requirements of the French Government, the United States Armed Forces will, in Continental France including Corsica, and in French Overseas Territories, sell all scrap and salvage only through appropriate French agencies designated by the French authorities with such exceptions as may be agreed upon. Scrap and salvage thus sold to the appropriate French agencies will be paid for by the French authorities in United States dollars. Monthly records of 6. The United States Armed Forces will continue to maintain their accounts so that there will be made available to the appropriate French authorities, through the United States Treasury Representa- tive in France, monthly records of the purposes for which francs have Ienarterly state- been used by the United States Armed Forces. Official statements will be rendered quarterly by the United States authorities. 7. To the extent that agreements referred to herein are not incon- sistent with the terms of the within memorandum of agreement they shall remain in full force and effect. Efective dat& 8. This Memorandum of Agreement shall be effective upon signature. 4208