Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/864

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61 STAT.] IFRANCE-MUTUAL AID SETTLEMENT--NLY 28, 1946 UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC WITH RESPECT TO THE EXHIBITION OF AMERICAN MOTION PICTURES IN FRANCE The Government of the United States of America and the Pro- visional Government of the French Republic, in the light of their broad agreement of this date on commercial policy objectives, and with special regard to changes brought about by the war, have re- examinec certain problems relating to the exhibition in France of dubbed American motion picture films. As a result of these conversa- tions, the French Government has informed the American Govern- ment that it will take the following measures which will be applied in the customs territory of France: Effective July 1, 1946, all previous provisions concerning the num- ber of dubbed films permitted to be shown in France will be aban- doned. On the same date, a "screen quota" system will be instituted, as a temporary protective measure, to assist the French motion picture industry to recover from the disorganization caused by enemy occu- pation of France. Under this system, motion picture exhibitors in France will be required to exhibit French films for a certain number of weeks per quarter. During the remaining weeks, French exhibi- tors will be allowed free choice of films, foreign or domestic. Beginning July 1, 1946, the screen quota reserved for French films will be not more than four (4) weeks per quarter. The screen quota shall continue at the level of four (4) weeks per quarter unless reduced to three (3) weeks per quarter by the opera- tion of the following automatic formula: If, in any two-year period ending on June 30, 1948, or on June 30 of any subsequent year, feature films produced in France should obtain total playing time in French theatres equal to or greater than an average of five (5) weeks per quarter, the screen quota shall auto- matically be reduced to three (3) weeks per quarter effective October 1 following the expiration of such two-year period. If, through the operation of the above formula, the screen quota should be reduced to three (3) weeks per quarter, it shall continue at that level unless terminated entirely by the operation of the follow- ing automatic formula: If, in any two-year period ending on September 30, during the whole of which period a screen quota of three (3) weeks per quarter is in effect, feature films produced in France should obtain total playing time in French theatres equal to or greater than an average of five (5) weeks per quarter, the screen quota shall be entirely abolished effective January 1 following the expiration of such two-year period. The French Government has agreed that, in the period during which the screen quota remains in force, it will impose no restrictions what- ever on the importation of American films into France, and no restric- tions other than the screen quota on the exhibition of American films 4213 Measures applicable in French customs ter- ritory. Screen quota sys- tem.