Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/901

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1 STx r.] LEBANON-POSTAL MONEY ORDERS Jan. 21, Oct. 8, 1946

-Mar. 15, 1947 ('orfi n tio bhetleen the U ited States of America and Lebanlon respectiing the eschan-ge of postal money orders. Signed at IWashington January 21, 1 a.;fi, and at Beyrouth March 1151947; and amendrments signed at VIa4.,irigtonf October 8, 1946, and at Beyrouth Miarch 15, 1947; entered ioto force July 1, 1947. CONVENTION FOR THE EXCHANGE OF POSTAL MONEY ORDERS BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND REPUBLIQUE LIBANAISE 4251 January 21. Octoher S, 1946, and March 15, 1947 [T. L. A. S19S4