Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/99

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61 STAT.] UNITED NATIONS-HEADQUARTERS-DEC. 18, 1947 DONE in duplicate in the English language at Lake Success the eighteenth day of December 1947. FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: WARmEN R. AUSTIN United States Representcative to the United Nations FOR THE UNITED NATIONS: TRYGVE LIE Secretary-General ANNEX ['] A. Description of Property at Lake Success Site. BEGINNING at the northwesterly corner of the property intended to be described herein, said point being where the easterly line of Lake- ville Road intersects the southerly line of Marcus Avenue; thence running South 78o10'50" East and along the southerly line of Marcus Avenue 449.57 feet to the P.C. of a curve; thence continuing easterly and along the southerly line of Marcus Avenue and on a curve the radius of which is 1757.85 feet a distance of 295.98 feet to the P.T. of said curve; thence running South 68032' East and still along the southerly line of Marcus Avenue 740.99 feet to the P.C . of another curve; thence continuing easterly and along the southerly line of Marcus Avenue and along a curve the radius of which is 1340.11 feet a distance of 421.50 feet to the P.T. of said curve; thence running South 50 030'44" East and along the southerly line of Marcus Avenue 95.78 feet to the P.C. of another curve; thence continuing easterly and along the southerly line of Marcus Avenue and along a curve the radius of which is 755.14 feet a distance of 92.54 feet to the easterly line of the property intended to be described herein; thence running South 30°41'38" West 68.41 feet; thence running North 59018'22" West 30.25 feet to the fence line; thence running South 30 041'38" West and along said fence line 150.21 feet to a stake; thence running westerly and along said fence line a distance of 570 feet to a stake; thence running North 73°55'24" West 194.48 feet to a stake; thence running South 16004'36" West 40.83 feet to a stake; thence running North 73055'24" West 34.07 feet to a stake; thence South 16°04'36" West and along the fence 34.21 feet to a chisel on the face of the north wall of the building; thence North 73°55'24" West and along the face of the north wall of the building 3.75 feet; thence South 16°04'36" West through the masonry wall 40.79 feet; thence North 73°55'24" West and through the masonry wall 1.95 feet; thence South 16004'36" West and through the masonry wall 500.33 feet; thence North 73055'24" West and through the masonry wall 23.83 feet; thence [Attached to the Interim Headquarters Agreement is a large-scale map of the area described in the Annex to the Agreement This map is in the archives of the Department of State and is available for reference.] 3441