Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1052

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ti1 STAT.] GCENEIAL AG(EIEEIEENIT ()N TARIFFS AND TRAI)EI-(OCT. 3(, 1947 A1063 BCHEWE XVIII - INION OF S0n1E AFRICA PART I - (Continued) South African Tariff item number 295 (Cont'd) ex (e) ex (e) 296 (a) (b) (e) (f) Description of Products Sensitized and tracing ............... ad valores Sanitary ... .... ... .... ... ... .... ad valorea Printed, ruled, lithographed and embossed matter (not being metal and excluding embossed paper serviettes, d'oyleys and Deoer mats): Picture postcards; Chriitras, birthday, pictorial, New Year and otner cards; oalendars, calendar pads, calendar mounts, n.e .e., and almanacs; box-coverings and pictures intended to form part of imported printed, lithographed or embossed matter .................. ad valorem Directories, guide books, year books and hand- books, relating to the Union; Union Christmas annuals; holiday and special numbers or editions of Union newspapers, magazines or periodicals or parts thereof; supplements to Union publications albums designed or intended for disposal as advertisirg matter ................... ad valorem or per lb. whichever duty shall be the greater Account books, exercise books and copy books; stationery and forms in books, pads or loose; diaries n.e.e.; delivery, manifold, and index books; bank chequea, drafts, promissory notes, bills of exchange and similar forms; receipt forms; reminder slips; scrip, share certificates and company reports; membership cortlficatea for lodges, unions and like institutions; letter headings and form letters; invoices and account forms ................................ ad ealorem or per lb. whichever duty shall be the greater Labels, tickets n.e .e., and address tags, flat or in rolls ......................... ,ad valorem or per lb. whichever duty shall be the greater Rate of Duty 7* p.o. 15 p.c. 30 p.c. 30 p.o. 6d 30 p.a. 6d 30 p.c. 6d