Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1104

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A1116 Desoription of Produots

.rtioles of apparel etc. (continued)..

Woaen's and girls' outer garc nt&, bing dresmes, coats and skirts (other tha divided skirts), hoether inported as separate gnonts or as oostuote, rade oatirely of woren fabrios end containing no wool X (continued):- (b) other Stockings and socks made wholly of silk or containing silk oomponents the value whberoof ceeds 20 of the aggregate of the valueo of all the coWonents thereof r Paragraph i at the hoad of this Sohedulo shall not apply to this item, but the Government of the United Kingdon hall be free to nmintain until the 1st Scpterber, 1948, the rate in force at the date of this igreament. Wool includes alpaca, snhnir, oashoere, 'llaa,

  • iouna and oaaels' hair.

The rate of duty to be charged upon any garment which would otherwise fall withi this item, but which does not do Oo by reason only that it consists wholly or partly of Way of the naterials nentioned in sub-poranraph (b) and (o) of paragmrl. 2 at the head of this Schedule, shall not be higher than the highcst appropriate rate provided for by that paragraph. Bat of uriy Xi9 or on. peru -Ctrat, wI oii. erVr is the greater, 33 or 12s. a the dsen pairs, Iatod is the gN4at INTERNATIONAL A(GIREEMIENTS OTIHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. mSCPL x - tUITmD WOM 8eotion A. Metropolitan TerritoEy PART I WLition 1 (oontinued) Tariff Item No, Part and Group 3 XII(1)