Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1109

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A(IREELENT ON TARIFFS AN ITRAI)E-OCT. 30,1947 SCHEDUE XI - UN1IT KINGDOQ Section A. Metropolitan Territary PAIT I Division 1 (continued) Tariff Iter, No. Part and Group 3 XIII(6)(ii) 3 G.A.V. 3 XIV(1)(iii)(a) 3 XIV(1)(iii)(b) 3 XIV(1)(iii)(c) 5- 3 G.AV. 3 G..- V. 3 XIV(1)(iii)(e) 3 Xv(l)(xiii) 3 IV(1 )(vii) 3 Exemptions 5- 3 G.-. V. 3 v(1)(xl) 5- Description of Products Trimrings, millinery mounts and similar articles, made wholly or partly of feathers (excludinc dovn) Bed feathers imported in bulk; and down Acetic acid, other than glacial or aynthtic Boric acid (refined) Citric acid Lactic acid Oleic acid, other than R Grade Stearic acid, other than R Grade Tartaric acid Vinegar Borax (refined) Boron minerals, crude, and concentrates of boracite and rasorite Caffeine and salts thereof Carbon black from natural gas Cream of tartar Emetine and salts thereof The qualification "other than R grade" signifies that the commitment does not extend to the product mentioned when iiported as "pure", "purissimun", "extra pure", "B.P.", "Ph.G.", A.R.", " for analysis", "reagent", or of special quality for meetin. special tests for purity. (B.P. - Britihipharmacopocia Ph.G.= German Phamacopoeie A.R . = Analytical Reagent) A1121 Rate of Duty B 25% 33A 20% 10% 33i% 10% 109 33Y 205 Free 25 10% 20,