Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1115

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O;1 SIAl.] (lINEIAI. A<II.EM11ENT ( N TAICI 'I'SANI TRAI E-()CT. 3l)147 A1127 saOng XX - UIr KIsKDOM Section A. Metropolitan Territory PAvRiI Division 1 (continued) Tariff Item No. Part and Group 3 XV(2)(1) W XV(2)(ii) 3 G., .v. 3 XV(3)(ii)(b) 3 XV(3)(ii) and 3 C.A.V. 3 C.V. 3 xmI(3)(iii) 3XI(7) 3 xv(8) 3 x(9) Description of Produots Pur end other dkins(resaA), including piecee threof, but not including leather Furskins, merely sewn together, as usd for m*idag l aining and trii ngs, andI O stripe end plate. Batters' fur Material consisting of rubber sheeting or synthetio rubber shecting, with a textile backing, not made-up Tubing and iping, with or without nozzles or other fittings attached thereto, mamIfctured wholly or partly of any of the following materials, whether or not vuloanisod or otherwiso oompounded:- Rubber Synthetic rubber Balata Gutta peroha Sheets and sheeting wholly of rubber or synthetic rubber, imported as suoh Paper and board made from paper or pulp, whether ooated or otherwise trcated in any manner or not, of a wight when fully extended equivalent to mAre than 90 lb. to the ream of 480 sheets of double orown measuring 30 inches by 20 inches:- UJlined *traWboard Cigarette papers in booklet oontainers Paper dress patterns including the paper enrelopes in which they are enclosed Face and hand towels, made wholly of paper, of a weoigt when fully extended equivalent to not less than 10 lb. to the ream of 480 sheets of double crown easuring 30 inches by Ad inches Rate of Dut) 2W" Wi 1* 162/3 10c$ 1Q} . .