Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1145

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. SHELULE XX - UNITED STATES OF AUBICA_ Part I (continued) Description of Produots Rate of Duty Tariff oAtof 1930, para- graph 23 5 and 23 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 I2per lb. I -Li % vs. A1158 Fatty alcohols and fatty acids, sulphated, and salts of sulphated fatty acids; euoolyptol; vitamins; medicinal preparations of animal ori- gin not otherwise providl for in this item; ammonium sulphocyanate or thiooyanate; barium oompounds (except barium sulphide); magnesium salts and compounds; potash salts; selenium dioxide; and tellurium oompounds; all the fore going, not specially provided for, whether or no in any form or container specified in paragraph 23, Tariff Act of 1930 ............................ 12-1/2 ad Vr Haarlem oil, whether or not in any form or con- tainer specified in paragraph 23, Tariff Act of 1930 ............................................ 7-V25 ad *. Sodium alginate ...................... .. ... ... .... . 20,ada Laundry sour containing not less than 20 per pontu of sodium silicofluoride and not less than 10 per centum of oxalic acid, not specially provide or............................................. 1 adval Amsenium silicotluoride ........................... 3 ad val. Aluminum hydroxide or refined bauxite ............. /4p lb. L 1nisssulphate ................................. ^ perlb lumainum salts and oanpounds not speoially provided for ........................ 2-1/ ad va. Lamonium carbonate and bicarbonate ........... ,.... 1/2 per lb. wnsonium chloride ................................ per lb. 1ounium nitrate ...... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... p lb. imonium perhlorate .. ... ... .... ... .... ... . p Iquid anhpyrous aonia ......................... 1 - 1/V par lb, ntimony: oxide not........ ............ fr............24 . l Sulphides not speially providd for . 1t2 per I.k --l