Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1205

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. 8QiSETBI X - WaTDm STAS OF AtiRsaa BIt I (oontimed) Desoription of Broduots Padlocks, not of pin tuobler or oylinder-on- atluction: Not over one and one-hal inches in width .. Oer one and one-half and not over two and one-half inohes in width ................. Over two and one-half inohe in width ...... PAdlooka of pin tiwblar-Pr pylinaur oonstrution: Not orr one and one-half inhoes in width .. Orer one and one-half and not over two and one-half iMhoa in width ................. Over two and ore-half inches in width ...... All other looks or latohea of pin tuablar or ylinder oontruotion ........................ Tinsel wire, ada wholly or in ohief value of gold, ailver, or other ital ... ... ... ... ... . Lame or lahn, made wholly or in ohief value of gold, silver, o. other zutal ................ Balliona and metal threada made wholly or in ohief velue of tinel wire, lam or lahn ...... Belting and other artiolee made wholly or in ohief velae of tinsel rire, metal thread, lam o labs, 1 o o tiaael wire, la e or lshn and nda iubber, bullicna, or etal threada, not peotally provided for ................... Rate of Duty 17-V/2 per doz. and 10% ad val. 25. per do. and 10. ad Val. 37-21/2 per dos andl2t ad val. 0Koper dos. and 10; ad Tl. 75. per dos. and 103 ed val. Fl per doe. and 103 ad val. i1 per doz. and 10% ad val. 6d per lb. and 5f ad val. 6( per lb. and 10%ad val. per lb. and 10% ad al. 15%ad val. A12 18 Tarifl

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1930, para- --- h 384. 38W 385 385 385 385