Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1280

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11 STAT.] (:ENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AN) TRADE-OCT. 30,1947 SCuED-LED - UIND STTS OF A1ERCA Part I (oontinued) Tarif, Act of 1930, para- graph 140S 140E 1409 1409 1409 1409 1410 Description of Products Hanging paper: Not printed, lithographed, dyed, or oolored.... Printed, lithographed, dyed, or colored ...... Strcwbao.rd and straw paper, inoledia sne as is mnownas wrapping paper: ary of the foregoing loss than 0.012 but not less than 0.008 inob in thickness, not specially provided for ......... slotting paper .. ... ... .... .. ..

  • ..........

Filtoring paper: Valued at less than 75 cents per poud ........ Valued at 75 cents or moro per pud. . .... .... . 'aper co:monly or conmercially krown asf sver p.por, plain, uncoated, and undoorated .......... Stencil paper. unmounted, not specially provided for ........................................... Inbound books of all kinds, bound boo'. of all kinds oxcopt those bound wholly or in part in leather, sheets or printed pages of boo!'s bound wholly or in part in loathor, p.mphlets, srsio in books or sheets, and printed tatter, all the foregoing not specially provided for: If of bona fido foreign authorship: Prayer books, and sheets or printed pGos of prayer books bound wholly or in part in leather ................... Tourist literature oontaining historieal, geogrphio, tLne-table, travel, hotel, or similar inforrv-tion, chiefly with respect to places or tr-vel facili- ties outside the continental United Statos ...............................- Other (except diaries) ................... A1293 Rate of Duty 7-1/2 %ad val. 1pper lb. and 10% ad val. 7-1/2% a4 al. 7-1/2%ad wl. 5/ per lb. and 15%ad val. 2-1/2/ per lb. and 7-1/2% ad val. 15% ad val. IS% ad c.l, 4% ad val. S-S/4%ad al. 5% ad a1. !5:47 0-4.9 --pt. 5 -