Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/191

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l;i Sr1.1r. (l.ENKdIAI AI(llEIEMENTl()N TAItFFS ANI THAI )iE-()(T'.3(, 19i47 SQEAOUU I - OcOMUVEALAI OF AUStAIA Part II (Continued) Australian Tariff Itse Desoription of produotas a* DAtr 1hmbar 3W)(A) (2) Stationery manfaotured n.o .i .; Ohristaa, New Year, Easter and Birthday Cards; other greting oarda having pictorial designs thereon; Postoard ne.i. ...... V/. 341 ritLtg Ink and Ink Pardars; Liqgid Iawing Ink ad wal. 15 per ent. 346(D) The artiolea enumerated in aub-item (A), (B), and (C), when in fany boxs ad val. t5 per eert. (P) Panoy Penoilsa Pencil Canse partly or wholly of gold, silver, aluminiu, or niokel; Pan and Pemil Sets and penholders, n.e .i. ad val. 25 per oent. 552(A)(1) is) Sprooket wheels ohain weels and hain rieB, for motor oyolee, not further manufaotured than plated or enaelled ad w1i. 1 pJr oant. (b) Cyole and side-oar parts plated brased ensmelled or permanently Joined, n.e.i. (no inoluding parts of leather or rubber) ad val. 15- ent. 352(A)(3) Is-l FR for Cyoles, Motor Cyolea, and Side Oar ad Tal 15 pr oet. 352(A)(4) abatrd inflator of all Idnde:- (b) Other ad I.. 25 Pr -t. 358(A) Aeroplane, and other Ailraft inoliing hlloo and Pareohute r . See note at rd of Part II. A191