Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/280

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1;1 STAT. I (SENIIIAI, A(.IIIIEIEN' ' ON TARI I'FS ANI TItAI E- )( "1 ' . 130 147 SCHEDULg II - BEUIUM - LUXgmBIQ - NETHE .NMDS SECTION C. NETHELNDS INDIES. P/JtT I (Continued) Netherlands Indiea Tariff Item A281 Description of Products Propelling mtor (including auxiliary otors) for Conreyances, a well as components and re- plae-mI parts thereof and aoceseories therefor (except electric motors and other electrical ar- ticlea, such a ignition magnetos and park plIgs)I ex I, automobile motore: a, Diesel motors....... .,, ..... ,.,, b. other ... ,. .... ... ... .... ... .... . . ,,,. II. other motors claesalrid under this Item: ax a. for railay and tramay loomotives.. b. other: 1. for airplane. , .. ... ... ... ... ... .. 2, for tractors and similar tractive echanim, not running on rails.. 3. other motora..................... III. eoponent and replacement parts for the Motora specified in this Item, as 11- as carburetors, vacuum tanks, oil filters, gasoline tanks, ga generator and other similar articles belonging to the equip- ment of the specified motore and separate parts tehreof: ex a. suitable for use with autolobile motore: 1. clearly belonging to diesel otors.......................... 2. other.....,,............. ....

  • I b, other, clearly belonging to motors

for railwy and tramiw loeomoties.. ea all other articlese 1. for airplane motors..., ... .. ... .. .. 2. for motors for traetors and similar tractive nmehaniam, not running on rail..............., ... .,, ,,, ,.. ... 3. other............. ............... Steam tractora............................ ...... Road rollers and machines for road construction, operated by steam, kerosine, gasoline, oil, al- cohol, etc....................................... PUmps and other implemInts and appliances for rai- sing liquids, mechanically operated, n..m .... ... ... 714 ex 716 ex 717 ex 718 Rate of Duty 18 p.c. 30 p.o. free free 9 p.e. 18 p.e. 1S p.e. 30 p.e. free free 9 p.a. 18 p.e. 9 p.O. 9 p.c. 9 p.c.