Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/358

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. SCHEIDUL III - BRAZIL PART I (Continued) Description of Products Rate of dutv Brazilian Tariff item number For anaesthesia or narcosis, including accompanying masks ..... , .. L.K . Aspirators: Debove's, Dieulafoy's, Potain's, and the like . .... .... .... each Esmarch's compressing and the like ............................... each Electro-surgical, electro-dental, electro- therapeutical, electro-diagnostic for radio-therapy and radio-diagnosis, X-violet and other rays, high frequency, cataphoresis, cauterization, diathermy, medicinal electrolysis, faradization, heat-generating and the like, with all their electrical accessories such as: motors, pantostats, rheostats, trans- formers, exclusive only of ampoules, lamps, tubes, burners or valves for X-, violet or other rays: Up to 5 kg.......................... L.K. Over 5 up to 10 kg. ................ L .K . Over 10 up to 50 kg. ............... L.K. Over 50 up to 100 kg................ L.K . Over 100 up to 00 kg. .............. L.K . Over 500 kg ........................ L.K. Precision oxygenators, Bayeux and the like ........................... L.K. For artificial pneumothorax ........ L.K. For measuring arterial pressure, sphygmographs and the like, with or without osoillometers .............. L.K. 16.80 19.60 11.20 15.96 10.64 7.98 6.44 4.76 3.22 22.34 16.76 44.69 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 /9 /10 /12 /13 /14 F"- __ ___'