Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/407

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43iMi .rIT. 4All ' M ANT TItAI)E ()C'. 30 .1947 SCHEDULE V - CANADA Part I - (Cont'd) Canadian Tariff Item -__ _ umber 165 ae 167 168 168a 169 Description of Products Champagne and all other sparkling wines:- (t) In bottles containing each not more than a quart but ore than a pint told wine measure)..per dozen bottle And in addition thereto, $1.75 per gallon. (b) La bottles containing not more than a pint eath, but oar than one-half pint (old wine measure) .......... .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... per dozen bottle And in addition thereto, $1.75 per gallon. (c) In bottles containing oae-half pint each or lesa .,. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . per dozen bottle Ant in addition thereto, $1.75 per gallon. (A) In bottles containing over one quart each (old wine ure) ................................ .. per g. And in addition thereto, under all tariffs, $1.75 per gallon. Walt, whole, crushed or ground, n.o .p., upon entry for warehouse *ubject to excise regulation* ........ per pouh4 Malt flour containing less than fifty per oentuk in weigh of malt; malt eyrup or malt syrup powder, n.o.p.; ex- tracts of malt, fluid or not; grain molasses -- all articles in this itea upon valuation without British or foreign exoise duties, under regulations prescribed by the Miniter ............................................ and, per pound iMlt syrup, malt syrup powder, or other starch conversion products produced by the action of enzymes on starch, not including any such products used in the brewing of beer ...................................... .... .... ... Books, viz.: - Novels or works of fiotion, or literature of a similar oharacter, unbound or paper bound or in sheets, but not to include Christmas annuals, or publi- oatioln ommonly known aa juvenile and toy books ........ A4 09 Rate of Duty $ .00 $.50m 1/3 at. 5 p.o. 5 ta. I, 25 p.o. 10 p.o.