Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/454

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A456 INITEIRNATIONAL AGREEMENTS (THER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. 0CHED1UZ V - CANAD Part I - (Omnta) Canadian --- Tariff Ite ' Desoription of Products Rate of Dnty Nmber Autoatie aoales or weighing naohines, of a class or kind not Bade in Canada, and conplete parts of the foregoing, for use in Canadian manufaotures ......................... Free (1) Philosophical, photographio, math-mtioal and optioal inatuments, n.o .p.; speedometers, oyolometers and pedoamters, n.o .p.; oomplete parts of all the foregoing .. 15 p.o. (ii) Cameras and omplete parts thereof, n.o.p.: (a) Of a elase or kind not made in Oanada ................ 17* p.o . hI- - - 461a 462 462b 465 469 471g 475b 476 488 494 495 498 9 p.o. B9 p.O. 20 p.e. 20 p.o.

  • at.

F .ee 10 p.o. - - - \ w I *J*y. .. y


  • ...** .**.*
    • ........

.. .... .. Cineatograph and notion picture eanras, 5 mn., for use by professional motion pieture producero having *tudios in Canada equipped for motion pieture produatiaoo parts of the foregoin ........................................ Signs of any material other than paper, fr- d or not; lettere and numeralo of any material other than paper ... Mashine oard clothing ................................... Pressed steel belt pulleys for power transmission, and finished or unfinished parts thereof, including inter- ohangeable bushings ..................................... Matrioes for stereotypes, eleotrotypeo and oelluloido described in tariff item 47a ............ per square ina Surgical and dental instuments of ay material; surgical needles; X-ray apparatus; iorooeopee valued at not leea than 50 dollars eaeh, retail; complete parts of all the foregoing .............................................. Nitrate and acetate of leed, not ground; platinui and black oxide of copper, for use in the manufaoture of ohlorates and oolours ................................. Manufactures of corkwood or cork bark, n.o.p., including

  • trips, shives, shells and washers of cork .............

Oorks, manufactured froa corkwood, over three-fourths of a inch in diaeter measured at the larger end .... per pound Cane, reed or rattan, not further anufaotured than split, n.o .p . .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..