Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/493

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 SrAT. SCHEDULE VI - CEYLON PARI I (continued) Description of Products Ceylon Tariff item number A496 Essential oils, natural (other than perfumes) the following oils only : Ylang-Ylang oil, vetyver oil and geraniun oil .............. (the duty on other essential oils to reasin at existing rate of 30j) Sesanm seed (incl. sesamm pulp) ........... Note : Sesamum is IIown in Ceylon aa ginglly. Groundnuts .................................. Seeds for agricultural and horticultural purposes ................................. Chinaare and porcelainware n.e.s. .. ... ... .. Agricultural implepnts (inml. forks, har-owB, picks and ploughs) ........................ Implements and tools (except machine tools and parts thereof) n. - ... ... .... ... ... .... Photog aphic instruments aan apparatuJ (incl. paper, plates and films, except oinema films) ireloss goods and apparatus and parts thereof Agricultural machinery and component parts thereof .................................... Cranes, hoists and lifting nachinery and corponent parts thereof ................ IIG10A IIG IIG IIJ III B III E 12A 12B 19 5 1 Rate of duty 15% + surcharge of 10% of duty 12,e + suroharge of 10% of duty

  • 2j%

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10% of duty 20%6 IIIE 5 IIIE7(ii IIIF8 IIIG1 IIIc 3 w .