Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/547

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/I1 SlArT Cuban Tariff Item Number 115 11-A U 5-B 115- 115-D 115-E 115-F 115-G 115-H each case, amounting to 30. (Law of August 9, 1932). Description of Products Fabrics of this Item, printed or dyed with stripes, squares, or other designs, shall be subject to the duty on the fabric, nith a reduction of 6, in let- tersA,3,C,Dand3andiithasur- tax of 15 in letters F and G. All Sub-itoias of this Item have a custonms surtax in adaition to the as- sessed duties, in each case, auounting to 30,Q (Las of Au£ust 9, 1932). Plain end smooth fabrics, napped or not, unbleached or white, neir;hing less than 10 ciloras per 100 seuare.ur .ters: Ui' to 6 threads. From 7 to 11 threads. From 12 to 15 threads. From 16 to 19 threads. Prom 20 to 23 threads. From 24 to 27 threads. From 28 to 31 threads. 32 threads or more. NOTES: Canvas shall be dutiable under the corres- ponding letters of this Item in accordanoe irith its threads, ,ith a reduction of 25, . from the duty indicated. Fabrios of this Itoe, dyed a single color, shall be subject to the du-.;- on the fabric, %litha surtax of 40,, . 2abrios of this Item, printed o.'dyed 1ith stripes, squares, or other designs, shall be subject to the duty on the fabric, vith a reduction of 2,. in letters A, , Cand D and idth a surtax of 20, in letters B, F,GandH. All Sub-items of this Item have e.acstoe surtax in addition to the assessed duties, in .J (.I .NI.HAI. A(;IEtILI.Nll ()N TAII'FS ANI) TRAI )E-OCT. 30,1947 A55 3 SCiDULE IX - CUBA Part I (continued) Rate of duty 0,207 per Kg. 0.276 per Kg. 0.402 per gg. 0.523 per KG. 0.60 per Kg. 0.74 per Kg. 0,90 per Kg. 1.00 per Kg. - ,. ' ""`"' ' ' "---""- - - ---

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