Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/555

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61 S rA'. Tariff Item NuIber 135-J 135-K 135-L 135-5 135-N 135-0 135-P 135-'! 135-R 136 136-A 136-B 139 139-A Plus an ad valorem duty of Description of troducts Fabrics of rayon, nylon or other aimilar synthetic yan, plain, smooth, twilled or damaasked, unbleached, . aiZhing loss than 10 kilograms per 100 square mters: Up to 8 threads 4 Fron 9 to 12 threads, From 13 to 16 threads, Fron 17 to 20 threads, From 21 to 24 threads, Proa 25 to 28 threadBs Prom 29 to 32 tbreads. Prao 53 to 36 threads. 37 threads or mote. NOTES: Fabrics of this Item, white or partly bloeahed, shall be subject to the duties on the fabria with a surtax of 30,.. Pabrios of this Item, dyed & singlo color, shall be subject to the dutiae on the fabric plus a surtax of 50,. Fabrics of this Item, printed or dyed with stripes, squares or other desiens, shall be subject tD the sais duties as on unbleached fabrics in letters J, K, L, i,N and 0, ad \ith a surtax of 25,- in lotters P, Q an R4 All dlb-itesm of this Itcl have a oustosa surtax in addition to the assessed duties, in eaoh case, amounting to 30,. (Law of 1UMat 9, 1932). Velvet and plush: Of hemp, flax, rieio, jute or other vegetabls fibers not speoifically olassifid. Of rayon, nylon nd other similar ayntbhtio yarns. Looe, blondes and oedgg: Woven on the loom or by hand, 25, 1 ;:ENIF:It.I . A\(;R:I.MENT (IN TARIFFS ANI TRAtlAI-(nCT. 30. 1947 A561 SCIDULE IX - CBA "art I (continued) -- i- ·F·lr. --·----------C- . .- . . . . ... ..... .... .... Rate of duty o.964 per K;. 0.341 per TP. 0.44 per Kg. 0,704 per Kg. 1.012 per Kg4 1.21 per Kg. 1.30 per Kg, 1.50 per Ke. 1.70 per Kg. not nogotiated not negotiated 1.50 per Kg.