Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/565

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l SIT . j (;]qNEl\I.A(; tlI EMlE
NT' )NTA I.II 'FS ANIlT) tAI))E OCT. 3», 1947

SI'tEDULE X - CUBA Part I (continued) Cuban Tariff Item Number Description of Products Box cars, railway cars and mine cars: Parts and accessories for box cars and rail- way oars, not specifically classified. Mine cars. ROUP 1. MEAT AND FISI, BTER AND FATS. Meat in brine or salted: Pork, except the products included in letters AandBofItem241, -lilk- Milk called modified or "humanized", by any process, in powder, to be employed ex- clusively for ill and convalescent per- sons and for the artificial lactation of children, provided it comes in glass or tin containers, holding not more than 16 ounces net and with the use indicated on said containers. Malted, Oodfiah and similar articles: Codfish and stookfiah, Salted skate, haddock and ardines, dried and compressed. Hake and other similar fish, dried and salted, not specifically olssified, Herring in brine, smoked, salted or pickled. A571 Rate of duty not negotiated not negotiated not negotiated not negotiated 10.00 per 100 Kgs. 4.125 per 100 Kgp. 3.50 per 100 Kgs, 3.00 per 100 Kgs, 0,975 per 100 Uas. 229 229-B3 229-C 238 238-C 246 246-E 246-F 247 247-A 247-B 247-C 248 --- --