Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/586

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A59 2 Cuban | Tariff ItAem I D0fliA.ri t-n of ProdA,+. Number Rate f dAty 0.175 per 100 gs. 0.50 fpr 100 gp. not megotUtw 1.1375 pwe 100 Xr. 1.4625 pr 100 Kg. 0.30 per 100 Kgs. 0.14 per 100 KgI. 0.033 per Ig. 0.042 per Kg. 0.70 per 100 Ka. 0.80 pe 100 1gs. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. SCHEDULL IX - CUBA PART II (continued) Oxides and Oxyhydratas: Of ammonia, soda, potash and other Caustic and barilla alkalis, including anhydrous ammonia, i :- . tiu exception of caustic soda and soda ash. Caustic soda and soda ash. Oxide of lead for the manufacture of glass. Inorganic saltst Sodiua chloride or colmon salt, in grains. Salt ground or manuf ctured in any other form. Salts of ammonia (except sulphate); chlorides of potassium and calcium; sulphat-s of potash, soda, iron, magnesium and barium (barytes); salts of copper; alum; oxide and carbonate of aagnesia; hyposulphites and borax. Carbonat- and bicarbonate of sode and sodiw sulphide. Ch-uical products not specifically classified; acetone and wood aloool and scale-reaorerse Chemical products not specifically classified, when in large containers or in bulk. Chemical p-oducts not specifically classified,

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'h small containers, including baking powder or artificial leavening. Acetone and *athyl or wood alcohol. Sulphonated oils and fats. Asphalt cemants and putties, whether or not containing ssbestos, for roo' con-truction or repairs, and for watarprofain work in general. 94 94-A 94-B 94-C 95 95-A 95-B 95-C 95.g 98 98-A 98-C 98,G 98-H