Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/588

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. SCHDULE IX - CUBA PART 11 (continued) Description of Products Rate ot duty Cuban Tariff Item Nuober 1.95 per 100 Kg. GROUP 4. - OILS, FATS, WAXAND TH-IR DMiIVATIVES. Crude or impure vegetable oils &nd fats: Cottonseed, corn and soybean oils. SOTS: Soybean oil, crude or impure, shall be clssified in accord-nce witti tn speci- fications set forte in .te Note to ', ttii: 101-A of the Customs Tariff of the Republic of ruba, except in raspect of the free fatty aci4 content which ib reduced from 1% to 0.5% . Castor oil; and others of vesgtabli origin, employed madicinally, not specifically classfied. Other vegetable oils not specific:.lly claesi- fied. Wax and paraffinl Paraffin in lumps. Soaps: Counon or ordinary for scouring or iashing, in bars, paste or liquid. In blocks, cakes, flak-a or ahavings, or In powder, of ordinar- class for scouring or washing, or the white aorp callid CastillU or Marseillis soaps, rnd also thooe called bluing soaps. In popder and liquid,

rfumd and in cakes,

un-rapped, psrfuied or not. Plu, an ad-valorem duty of O.14 per Kg. 5% 4.00 per UO0KgF. 3.01 per 100 xg. 0.40 per 100 Kgo.

.50 per 100 Kgs.

3.90 per 100 Kg. 101 101-A 101-B 101-G 103 103-C 105 105-A 105-B 105-D A594