Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/748

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A756 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. Frenoh Tariff Item No. Dosoription of Products of war, entered oc aoount of the Monopoly .............................. for sporting and for target-shootg ,... matches, entered on aeounmt of the Monopoly Chantyr 39 UgBItTI S.ACES.L:: KFIUS PRODUCTS PFB pIW1OG1AFIy AmDChIfAT0GRAPTr. Glass plates, sensitised, not exposed ... ,, Films, unporforated, sensitised, not exposed: enaitisod onn ne side ony ............ senaitized on both sides ............... Flln, perforated, sensitised, not exposed: nogativ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... poeitivo, reversing, duplieating ...... Sensitioed papers and oards (in sheets, rollers, disos, eto.); for monoohrome piotures: with silver or platinuw salts, with iron salts .......................... asioo, ptimatary (with oarbo, eto.) other ............................... for polohram picure ............ .... Ex 660 664A 666 666 667 Rate of duty ad valorem Fres lo% 105% 15% 15% 20% 20% 15% 2s% 25