Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/779

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\I. .\(;II.' I:MI:EN.\' T .NTARIlFIS ANI> T{AI)I ()('T ,. S. ]1947 A787 SCHBEDIJE XI - PAIC PART I (Continued) Frenoh Tariff Item No. ex 879 e* 880 881 883 684 885 886 888 891 ex 892 894 897 Deosription of Products Razie (China gras), in thin strips, oruahed, scutched or in tow, in pure or mixed waste, in devilled materiala pure or aixed (except oonbed ramie) .............................. Cotton: unginned ................................ ginned, Uableaohed ...................... Cotton rartae lintr: raw ................................. wbshed, sooured oloened (in the mas,

  • labs or asat) ......................

other, pure or mixed .................. Cotton, oardsd or ombed .................... Cellulose-wool and other discontinuou artificial fibrer, in the als or in sklins... Wfste of artificial fibroe (inoludinA waste of yarn), pure or mixed ......................... Devilled naornil of artificial fibres par* or mixed ............................... ... .. Artificial fibres oarded, ca d or dram .... Hep ...................................... isla1, agavea.loe and -gu .. .... ... ... .... . Jute end asimllated fibre (dah, paka, go6una, pmnga, roella, rto.) L stalks, harl or to ....................................... Cooomt fibre ............................... Othe fibrou planat (phwnr tewx, eto.) not elsebhere epoeified or iaoluded .......... Rate of duty ad valoron Frw Free Free 14% Froe reS 18% 16% tO% rrw Free Free Free