Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/971

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1 SrT.I

. (;IENEl I AI.A; tlE. N I(IN TAItk I 'S ANI) TRA IIi- () 'T. 3. 147 A 9 79 saiL3 %mi -MW New Zealn Tariff Ite -l- - ber Description of Produots mita, frsh - Tie - Bk (s) Aprioota, neotarine ...................... f (M) -rapea J4ly to November 50 incluaive...Per lb. Dteember 1 to June 50 inolusive...Per lb. te. Fresh apricots, grapes and necterines, the produce of the hdicn of South Africa, shall be exempt from duty. Ux (5) Oraees ................................... [ote. fresh oranges, the prodce of the Union of South Afrioa, shall be exempt from d4ty. Pruit perserwd in Juico or syrup, vi.:- Pineapples ....................................... Mlt-extract, malt-extraot with cod-liver oil, and ainlilr preperationa containing malt- extract.................................P..r lb. or Starch n.e .i. .... .... .... .... ... ... .... . P...r lb. Vine dontaining not more than 40 per cent. of proof spirit, vi. :- (1) Sparkling, all kinda; per gallon, or for aix reputed quart hottles, or the reputed equivalent in bottlce of a larger or smaller reputed ompacity................. leot. The products provided for under Tariff Item V0(1), the produce of the Union of South Zfrioa, shall be exempt from oustoim duty in exones of 14. 3d . per gallon. (2) Other kinds; per gallon, or for six reputed quart bottles, or the reputed equivalent in bottles of a larger or smaller reputed capacity .................................. Note. The produots provided for under Tariff Item 90(2), the produoe of the Ubion of South Afrioa, shall be exempt from oustoms duty in exess of 8.5 . per gallon Rate of Duty .. ... 5id. (tI is% (1)(.) 2d. whichever rate returns the higher duty. la. 57 48 90 -