Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/982

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61 SrAT.] (;ENEI.AAI. A(ltEIAE1NT ()N TARIFFS ANI) TRAIDE ((T. 31. 1!)47 SCHEDULE XIV - NORfWA PART I (Continued) NoMgian T-riff Item imber 1946/47 Rate of Duty (including surtaxes) Kr. C Free 1.45 per kg. Description of Products Intestines, other............................. Carbon electrodes for smelting fur-aces..................................... Wireless receivers, loudspeakers and headphones, also parts thereof, n.e.m.: 1. Ilreless valves, including rectifying valves.......................... 2. Oter............................. ...... Bone blak, lamp black, graphit and other black pigments .............. .... ... .... Stearic aeid, palmitic acid to- gether with other high melting point fatty acids uaed in the mtnufaoture of candles, also paraffin end sp earcetie .. .... .... ... .. .... .... .. .. .... . Bedfeathers, quills sad downl a. not cleetged............................... Oranges, all kinds, uoh as sweet oranges, lemoa , limes, bitter oranges, grape fruit ....................... pe ...................................... Bananas and plattains ....................... Apples, fresh - Aug.l - Fbr.15 .. .... ... ... .. - - - Febr.l6 - Mrch 15 ........... -"-, -"- - YMarh 16 - July 31 ........... Pears, fresh - Aug. 1 - Jan. 15 .... ... .... .. (-"- -"- - Jan.16 - J 31 .............. Pineapples (ananas), fresh or frosen .......... A991 152 Xx 176 179 180 IX 186 199 Ex 200 204 210 211 212 213) 3U) 214) 215) Xx 216 Kr. 0.50 each 30% ad ,al. Free Free Kr. .08 per kg. Kr. 0.10 per k. r. 0.02 per kg. + 33 3/3% "tax Kr. 0.02 pe kg. +33 1/3% rtx Xr. 0.05 per k4.

  • 33 l/3)( x*«

r. 0.80 per kg. kr. 040 per k,. Ir. 0.20 per kg. Kr. 0.60 per kg. Ir. 0 .20 per kg. Kr. 0 .60 per kg. - . .-