Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1008

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 646-JUNE 25, 1948 A right of action shall accrue to the United States upon the judg- ment, but such right and any right of action on the original indebted- ness shall be barred unless an action thereon is brought within three years after judgment. § 2512. Disbursing officers; relief Whenever the Court of Claims finds that any loss by a disbursing officer of the United States was without his fault or negligence, it shall render a judgment setting forth the amount thereof, and the General Accounting Office shall allow the officer such amount as a credit in the settlement of his accounts. § 2513. Unjust conviction and imprisonment Ante, p. 941. (a) Any person suing under section 1495 of this title must allege and prove that: (1) His conviction has been reversed or set aside on the ground that he is not guilty of the offense of which he was convicted, or on new trial or rehearing he was found not guilty of such offense, as appears from the record or certificate of the court setting aside or reversing such conviction, or that he has been pardoned upon the stated ground of innocence and unjust conviction and (2) He did not commit any of the acts charged or his acts, deeds, or omissions in connection with such charge constituted no offense against the United States, or any State, Territory or the District of Columbia, and he did not by misconduct or neglect cause or bring about his own prosecution. (b) Proof of the requisite facts shall be by a certificate of the court or pardon wherein such facts are alleged to appear, and other evidence thereof shall not be received. (c) No pardon or certified copy of a pardon shall be filed with the Court of Claims unless it contains recitals that the pardon was granted after applicant had exhausted all recourse to the courts and that the time for any court to exercise its jurisdiction had expired. (d) The Court may permit the plaintiff to prosecute such action in forma pauperis. (e) The amount of damages awarded shall not exceed the sum of $5,000. § 2514. Forfeiture of fraudulent claims A claim against the United States shall be forfeited to the United States by any person who corruptly practices or attempts to practice any fraud against the United States in the proof, statement, estab- lishment, or allowance thereof. In such cases the Court of Claims shall specifically find such fraud or attempt and render judgment of forfeiture. § 2515. New trial; stay of judgment (a) The Court of Claims may grant a plaintiff a new trial on any ground established by rules of common law or equity applicable as between private parties. (b) Such court, at any time while any suit is pending before it, or after proceedings for review have been instituted, or within two years after the final disposition of the suit, may grant the United States a new trial and stay the payment of any judgment upon satis- factor evidence, cumulative or otherwise, that any fraud, wrong, or injustice has been done the United States. § 2516. Interest on claims and judgments (a) Interest on a claim against the United States shall be allowed in a judgment of the Court of Claims only under a contract or Act of Congress expressly providing for payment thereof. 978 [62 STAT.