Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1032

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 646-JUNE 25,1948 [62 STAT. SCHEDULE OF LAWS REPEALED-Continued Statutes at Large U. S. Code Date Chapter Title Section Volume Page Title Section 1929-an . 25 102 II

46 1109 28 354 (part) Statutes at Large U. S. Code Date Chapter Section Volume Page Title Section 1929-Jan. 29 ----- ----- 113 ------------- 45 1143 28 334 Jan. 31 ----------- 126 - ----- 45 1145 28 416 Feb.26-------- 334 ---------- - 45 1317 28 1 Do 337 ---------------. 45 1319 28 1 Feb. 28- ---- - 358 38-------------- 45 1344 28 1 Do - 30 --------- 45 1545 28 191 Do --- - 363 1,2 ,3,4 45 1346-1348 28 211,211a,213,223 Do-- 380 --------------- - 45 1409 28 1 Mar.

413 1,2 45 1414 28 213 Do-------- 419 ---------------. 45 1422 28 375 Do .--......... 421 --------------- - 45 1424 28 145 Mar. 2-----.- - 488 2 (a) (d) 45 1476 28 309a Do---- - 488 3 45 1476 28 312 Do-------- 539 ---------------. 45 1518 28 182 Do.----. . - 583 2,3 6,7,8, 45 1537-1539 16 198a, 19e, 198f, 6,10, 11 198g, 198h, 1981, 198]. 1930-Jan. 20- -- - - - -- - 20 1 46 56 28 192 Mar. 31 ----- -- - 101 ---------- 46 138 28 168 Statutes at Large U. S. Code Date Chapter Title Section Volume Page Title Section 1930-Apr. 1$ 184 II (part) ---------------- 4 92"88 28 354 Statutes at Large U. S. Code Date Chapter Section Volume Page Title Section 198-Avr. 19--------- 200 2,3, 67,8 ,9 , 46 227-229 395a, 396b, 395e, 10, 11 39I 395g,3855 39511, 385 May28----------- 1 4 431 38 1 May 29.-...... . -- .-----. . 46 485 28 752 Do...........


. 46 486 28 574 Do--.. 357.....

------ ---

4 86 28 77 lune 3--. .- -- 894 ---..--- .. --- 46 495 28 140 Do--- -. 396 1,2 46 496 28 28a, 523b June 6------ 408 ---------------- 46 521 2 18 Do ........- -- 409(part) -------------. 46 522 28 678, 578a June 10 .- -- 437 -

46 538 28 213 Do.......... -43 8

--- -

- 46 38 28 213 June 16.---- - 494 ----- 46 589 28 305 Statutes at Large U. S. Code Date Chapter Title Section Volume Page Title Section itle e - iIo 1930-June 17-. -. . 497 IV 501 (a 46 730 19 1501 (a) (part) Do .-. 497 IV "501 (b 46 730,731 19 1501(b Do--- 497 IV "501(c ...-----------..----------- 19 1501(c) Do- 497 IV " s516 (b ----- -- )

art Do-- 47 IV ' 8 516(c) 46 737 19 1516(c) (part Do--- 497 IV 516 (d) 46 737 19 1516(d Do 497 IV 517 46 737 19 1517 Do-- 497 -- - 518 46 737,738 19 1518 (part) Do-- 497 IV 519 46 739 19 1519 Do- 497 IV 646 46 762 28 301a "t Only the sentence "The printing and binding for the Supreme Court shall be done by the printer it may employ, unless it shall otherwise order." in the final paragraph appearing on this page. " Only the sentence "The printing and binding for the Supreme Court shall be done by the printer it may employ, unless it shall otherwise order." in the second paragraph appearing on this age. Only the following: "and effetive July 1,1930, all such fees and emoluments so paid to nited States marshals shall bede ted by said marshals In aecordance with the protviason fsection362l1 of the Revised Statute as amenda by moti of the said Act of May 28 1896". bOnly the filth. sith, seventh, and ghth antenoof subsection (a), as so designated subsection "(a)" byActJune ,1i8, oh. e, In 16 (), c Stat. 1084. aOnly l entene of this seaton.L l Arat the final sentene. 1002