Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1040

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 647-JUNE 25, 1948 Spouse and depend- ent children. " Eligible displaced person." Spouse and depend- ent children. " Eligible displaced orphan. " Issuance of visas without regard to quotas. Limitation. Supra. Quota deduction. 43 Stat. 160. Special nonquota visas. members of such person's family who shall accompany such person and who propose to live with such person, shall not become public charges and will have safe and sanitary housing without displacing some other person from such housing. The spouse and unmarried dependent child or children under twenty-one years of age of such an eligible displaced person shall, if otherwise qualified for admission into the United States for permanent residence, also be deemed eligible displaced persons. (d) "Eligible displaced person" shall also mean a native of Czecho- slovakia who has fled as a direct result of persecution or fear of perse- cution from that country since January 1, 1948, and (1) who is on the effective date of this Act in Italy or the American sector, the British sector, or the French sector of either Berlin or Vienna, or the American zone, the British zone, or the French zone of either Germany or Austria, and (2) who is qualified under the immigration laws of the United States for admission into the United States for permanent residence, and (3) for whom assurances in accordance with the regulations of the Commission have been given that such person, if admitted into the United States, will be suitably employed without displacing some other person from employment and that such person, and the members of such person's family who shall accompany such person and who pro- pose to live with such person, shall not become public charges and will have safe and sanitary housing without displacing some other person from such housing. The spouse and unmarried dependent child or children under twenty-one years of age of such an eligible displaced person shall, if otherwise qualified for admission into the United States for permanent residence, also be deemed eligible displaced persons. (e) "Eligible displaced orphan" means a displaced person (1) who is under the age of sixteen years, and (2) who is qualified under the immi- gration laws of the United States for admission into the United States for permanent residence, and (3) who is an orphan because of the death or disappearance of both parents, and (4) who, on or before the effec- tive date of this Act, was in Italy or in the American sector, the British sector, or the French sector of either Berlin or Vienna or the American zone, the British zone or the French zone of either Germany or Austria, and (5) for whom satisfactory assurances in accordance with the regu- lations of the Commission have been given that such person, if admitted into the United States, will be cared for properly. SEC. 3. (a) During the two fiscal years following the passage of this Act a number of immigration visas not to exceed two hundred and two thousand may be issued without regard to quota limitations for those years to eligible displaced persons as quota immigrants, as pro- vided in subsection (b) of this section: Provided, That not less than 40 per centum of the visas issued pursuant to this Act shall be available exclusively to eligible displaced persons whose place of origin or coun- try of nationality has been de facto annexed by a foreign power: Pro- vided further, That not more than two thousand visas shall be issued to eligible displaced persons as defined in subsection (d) of section 2 of this Act. (b) Upon the issuance of an immigration visa to any eligible dis- placed person as provided for in this Act, the consular officer shall use a quota number from the immigration quota of the country of the alien's nationality as defined in section 12 of the Act of May 26, 1924 (U. S . C., title 8, sec. 212), for the fiscal year then current at the time or, if no such quota number is available for said fiscal year, in that event for the first succeeding fiscal year in which a quota number is available: Provided, That not more than 50 per centum of any quota shall be so used in any fiscal year: Povided further That eligible displaced orphans may be issued special nonquota immigration visas, except that 1010 [62 STAT.