Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/107

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 108-MAR. 11, 1948


Valid rights and claims of individuals initiated under the public- land laws or otherwise involving any lands within said boundary shall not be affected by this Act. The foregoing reservation shall not extend to or include deposits of Uranium, thorium, uranium, thorium, and other materials reserved to the United States t by section 5 (b) 7 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 755, 762), and shall include surface rights only in lands withdrawn by 42 U. s b . lW 18 Executive Order Numbered 5327, dated April 15, 1930, as interpreted 43 FB 197 note. by Circular Numbered 1220, dated June 9, 1930 (53 I. D . 127), and more particularly described in a letter dated April 22, 1931, addressed to the register, Salt Lake City, Utah, by the Commissioner of the General Land Office. There is hereby reserved, within the area above described, for the Right-of-way fr benefit and use of grazing-district permittees, a free right-of-way for water purpos es etc. trailing and watering purposes, subject to the usual and customary rules and regulations concerning stock driveways within grazing dis- tricts, the use of said right-of-way for watering purposes being limited to the usual and customary use of grazing-district permittees adjacent to said right-of-way, over the following lands: (a) A stock driveway one mile wide along the north side of the White River Road running east from Ouray; (b) A stock driveway described as beginning at the east quarter corner of section 3, township 9 south, range 20 east, Salt Lake meridian; running thence south eleven and one-half miles to the south- east corner of section 34, township 10 south, range 20 east, Salt Lake meridian; thence west to Willow Creek; thence northerly down Willow Creek to Black Bridge situated in the northwest quarter northeast quarter, section 22, township 10 south, range 20 east, Salt Lake meridian; thence northwesterly following the north and east bound- aries of Indian allotments and tribal lands on east side of Willow Creek to the southwest corner of section 32, township 9 south, range 20 east, Salt Lake meridian; thence north five and one-fourth miles to Green River; thence up Green River and White River and on the south side of Indian allotments to point of beginning; (c) A stock driveway one-half mile on each side of the road running southwesterly from what is known as Squaw Crossing on Willow Creek to the south rim of Wild Horse bench insofar as said road enters or crosses the said reservation; (d) A stock driveway running from the head of Brown Canyon near the northeast corner of township 11 south, range 19 east, Salt Lake meridian, southeasterly down Brown Canyon across Hill Creek to Big Pack Mountain; (e) A stock driveway one mile wide across Hill Creek immediately south of Rock House situated in the south half of section 13, township 12 south, range 19 east, Salt Lake meridian. There is also reserved a watering right on Hill Creek between the Black Bridge and the Brown Ranch for the permittee using the public domain immediately west of said water place. SEC. 2 . The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and Reoatonotordr. directed to revoke the order dated September 26, 1933, temporarily withdrawing in aid of legislation certain lands in the former Uncom- pahgre Indian Reservation. SEC. 3. The State of Utah may relinquish to the United States for Reld Uentah the benefit of the Indians of the said Ute Reservation such tracts of school or other State-owned lands, surveyed or unsurveyed, within the said reserved area, as it may see fit, reserving to said State, if it so desires, such rights as it may possess to any minerals underlying such State lands as may be relinquished, and said State shall have the right to make selections in lieu thereof outside of the area hereby withdrawn, equal in value, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior, to the