Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1147

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 2 D SESS.-CH. 754-JUNE 29, 1948 the repair, rental, and equipment of school, hospital, and other build- ings; the purchase or erection of range cabins and other temporary structures, including hospital structures and quarters on privately owned land; the hire, repair, equipment, maintenance, and operation of vessels; and for the administration of the Alaska native service, $4,118,962: Provided, That any agency of the United States Govern- ment having title thereto is authorized to transfer without charge to the Alaska native service, buildings, vessels, equipment, materials, and supplies surplus to its needs and which may be certified by the Department of the Interior as necessary for the improvement, main- tenance, or operation of the Alaska native service: Provided further, That the foregoing provision shall not be construed to deny veterans the priority accorded to them in obtaining surplus property under the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended. Navajo and Hopi service: For administering and carrying out a support and rehabilitation program for the Navajo and Hopi Indians, including printing and binding; transportation of Indians; grants to Indians; and for purposes otherwise applicable to other appro- priations and provisions for the Bureau of Indian Affairs as follows: Construction and maintenance services: For the construction and maintenance of roads and trails, irrigation systems, buildings, utilities, and other construction, including drainage and preparation of raw lands for irrigation farming, surveys, and investigations, private architectural and engineering services, and water exploration, $907,900, to remain available until expended, of which $373,900 shall be reimbursable in accordance with law. Agency services: For administrative, industrial, resource, agricul- tural, educational, health, community welfare, and employment services, including cooperation with State and other organizations engaged in similar work, and payment of travel expenses and per diem of persons whose services are donated by such organizations, $4,334,115. In all, Navajo and Hopi service. $5,242,015. Purchase and transportation of Indian supplies: For advertising, inspection, storage, printing and binding, and all other expenses incident to the purchase of goods and supplies for the Bureau of Indian Affairs and for payment of railroad, pipe-line, and other transpor- tation costs of such goods and supplies, $700,000: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used in payment for any services except bill therefor is rendered within one year from the time the service is performed. Maintenance of buildings and utilities: For expenses necessary to maintain buildings in the Bureau of Indian Affairs, including the lease, purchase, construction (not to exceed $1,500 for any one building), repair and improvement of buildings; the installation, repair, and improvement of utility systems, $755,000. Education of Indians: For the support and education of Indian pupils in boarding and day schools and for other educational purposes, including educational facilities authorized by treaty provisions; tuition, care, and other expenses of Indian pupils attending public and private schools; support and education of deaf, dumb, blind, mentally deficient, or physically handicapped; the tuition (which may be paid in advance) and other assistance of Indian pupils attending vocational or higher educational institutions under such regulations as the Sec- retary may prescribe; printing and binding (including illustrations); the support and equipment of an arts and crafts building at Anadarko Oklahoma, and Indian museums at Rapid City, South Dakota, and Browning, Montana, and on the Fort Apache Reservation, Arizona; $10,100,000: Provided, That payment of tuition and care of Indian pupils may be made from date of admission. 1117 Transfer of surplus supplies. Priority to veterans. 58 Stat. 765. 50U.S.C. app. §§ 1611-1646; Supp. I , § 1612 et seq. Ante, pp. 350, 1103 . Paymet of tuition. etc.