Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1232

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 775-JUNE 30,1948 Ante, p. 1035. 56 Stat. 773. §§ 540-548; Supp. I, 1§540-548 note. Ante, p . 160. 38U. S. C. notefoll. 739, p . 4276. 57 Stat. 43 . 38 U. S. C. notefoll. §739; Supp. I, note foll. § 733. Ante, pp . 20, 209, 500. Abolition of War Assets Administra- tion. Transfer of powers, etc., to RFC. 58 Stat. 765 . 1§1611-1646; Supp. I, §1612 et se. Ante, pp. 360 ,1103 . Aircraft. Personal property. Administrative rec- ords, etc. Retention rights of employees. Soldiers' and sailors' civil relief: For payment of claims as author- ized by article IV of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act amend- ments of 1942, $65,000, to be immediately and continuously available until expended: Provided, That any moneys received as repayment of debts incurred under said article IV shall be credited to this appropriation. Veterans' miscellaneous benefits: For the payment of burial awards authorized by Veterans' Administration Regulation Numbered 9 (a), as amended, and for supplies, equipment, and tuition authorized by part VII and payments authorized by part IX of Veterans' Admin- istration Regulation Numbered 1 (a), as amended, $51,883,000, to remain available until expended. No part of the foregoing appropriations shall be available for hos- pitalization or examination of any persons except beneficiaries entitled under the laws bestowing such benefits to veterans, unless reimburse- ment of cost is made to the appropriation at such rates as may be fixed by the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs. SURPLUS PROPERTY DISPOSAL Effective February 28, 1949, the Office of War Assets Administrator is abolished and the War Assets Administration shall cease to exist as an agency of the Government and its affairs, functions, and respon- sibilities shall thereafter be disposed of and liquidated in accordance with the following: (1) All powers, authority, functions, and responsibilities of the War Assets Administrator and of the War Assets Administration pertaining to surplus real property, which as used herein shall mean land and interests in land together with buildings, fixtures, facilities, utilities, equipment, and other property located thereon or adapted to use in connection with such property for its highest and best use, and all right, title, and interest in notes, mortgages, and contracts of sale or lease in connection with surplus real property shall be trans- ferred to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, to be held and dis- posed of by such Corporation in accordance, except as provided herein, with the terms of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended; (2) All aircraft and aircraft parts shall be transferred to the Department of the Air Force to be held and disposed of by such Department in accordance, except as provided herein, with the terms of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended; (3) All personal property (other than aircraft and aircraft parts), except such as may be necessary to the liquidation of the War Assets Administration or the exercise of the functions transferred herein, shall be transferred to the Bureau of Federal Supply, Treasury Department, to be held and disposed of by such Bureau in accordance, except as provided herein, with the terms of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended; (4) Except as necessary to the administration of the functions herein transferred to the Department of the Air Force, the Recon- struction Finance Corporation, and the Bureau of Federal Supply, all administrative property, records, and accounts of the War Assets Administration shall be transferred to the Treasury Department for liquidation of the affairs of the War Assets Administration; (5) Such administrative property, records, and personnel of the War Assets Administration as determined by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget to be necessary to the administration of any of the functions herein transferred shall be transferred to the agency to which such function is transferred: Provided,That the right to reten- tion in employment by the Government of the personnel so transferred shall be neither greater nor less than such right would have been had 1202 [62 STAT.