Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1262

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 814-JULY 2, 1948 registered mail, by telegraph, or by leaving a copy thereof at the residence or principal place of business of the person required to be served. A verified return by the individual so serving the same, setting forth the manner of service, shall be proof of service. The United States marshals or their deputies shall serve such process in their respective districts. wrttenreorrd. (c) A written record shall be kept of all hearings and proceedings under this Act and shall be open to public inspection. ADJUDICATIONS; PAYMENT OF AWARDS; EFFECT OF ADJUDICATIONS Report to Congress. Order of dismissal as bar. Penalty. SEC. 4. (a) The Attorney General shall adjudicate all claims filed under this Act by award or order of dismissal, as the case may be, upon written findings of fact and reasons for the decision. A copy of each such adjudication shall be mailed to the claimant or his attorney. (b) The Attorney General may make payment of any award not exceeding $2,500 in amount out of such funds as may be made available for this purpose by Congress. (c) On the first day of each regular session of Congress the Attorney General shall transmit to Congress a full and complete statement of all adjudications rendered under this Act during the previous year, stating the name and address of each claimant, the amount claimed, the amount awarded, the amount paid, and a brief synopsis of the facts in the case and the reasons for each adjudication. All awards not paid under subsection (b) hereof shall be paid in like manner as are final judgments of the Court of Claims. (d) The payment of an award shall be final and conclusive for all purposes, notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, and shall be a full discharge of the United States and all of its officers, agents, servants, and employees with respect to all claims arising out of the same subject matter. An order of dismissal against a claimant, unless set aside by the Attorney General, shall thereafter bar any further claim against the United States or any officer, agent, servant, or employee thereof arising out of the same subject matter. ATTORNEYS' FEES SEC. 5 . The Attorney General, in rendering an award in favor of any claimant, may as a part of the award determine and allow rea- sonable attorneys' fees, which shall not exceed 10 per centum of the amount allowed, to be paid out of, but not in addition to, the amount of such award. Any attorney who charges, demands, receives, or collects for services rendered in connection with such claim any amount in excess of that allowed under this section, if recovery be had, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction thereof be subject to a fine of not more than $2,000, or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. ADMINISTRATION SEC. 6 . For the purposes of this Act the Attorney General may- (a) appoint a clerk and such attorneys, examiners, interpreters, appraisers, and other employees as may be necessary; (b) call upon any Federal department or agency for any infor- mation or records necessary; (c) secure the cooperation of State and local agencies, govern- mental or otherwise, and reimburse such agencies for services rendered; (d) utilize such voluntary and uncompensated services as may from time to time be needed and available; 1232 [62 STAT.