Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1271

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 2n SESS.-CH. 826 -JULY 3, 1948 President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. At least two of the members of the Commission shall be persons who have been admitted to the bar of the highest court of any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia. The members of the Commission shall receive compensation at the rate of $12,000 a year. The terms of office of the nembers of the Commission shall expire at the time fixed in subsection (d) for the winding up of the affairs of the Commission. (b) The Commission may, in accordance with the provisions of the civil-service laws and the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, appoint and fix the compensation of such officers, attorneys, and employees, and may make such expenditures, as may be necessary to carry out its functions. Officers and employees of any other depart- ment or agency of the Government may, with the consent of the head of such department or agency, be assigned to assist the Commission in carrying out its functions. The Commission may, with the consent of the head of any other department or agency of the Government, utilize the facilities and services of such department or agency in carrying out the functions of the Commission. (c) The Commission may prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary to enable it to carry out its functions, and may dele- gate functions to any member, officer, or employee of the Commission. The Commission shall give public notice of the time when, and the limit of time within which, claims may be filed, which notice shall be pub- lished in the Federal Register. The limit of time within which claims may be filed with the Commission shall in no event be later than two years after the date of enactment of this Act. (d) The Commission shall wind up its affairs at the earliest practi- cable time after the expiration of the time for filing claims, but in no event later than three years after the expiration of such time. JURISDTCTION OF COMMISSION SEC. 3. The Commission shall have jurisdiction to receive and adju- dicate according to law claims as hereinafter provided. EMPI.OYEES OF CONTIRA.\(CT'OIS SEC. 4. (a) The Federal Security Administrator is authorized to receive, adjudicate according to law, anl provide for the paymlellt of ally claim filed by any person specified in section 101 (a) of the Act entitled "An Act to provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and( for other purposes", approved December 2, 1942, as amended, or by the legal representative of any such person who may have died, for the amount by which (1) the total sum which would have been payable to such person by his employer (not including any payments for overtime), if such person's contract of employment had been in effect and he had been paid under it for the entire period during which he was entitled to receive benefits under section 101 (b) of such Act, exceeds (2) the entire amount creditable to such person's account for such period under the provisions of such section plus any amounts paid to such person by such employer for such period or recovered by such person in any legal action against such employer based upon such person's right against such employer for such period under the contract of employment, including payments in settlement of the liability of the employer arising under or out of such contract. No claim shall be allowed to any person under the provisions of this section unless such person executes a full release to the employer and to the United States in respect to the liability of the employer arising under or out of the contract of employment, except liability for workmen's compensation 1241 42 Stat. 1488 . 5U. S.C. § 661-674. Rules and regula- tions. Time limitation for filing claims. Settlementof laitns by Federal Security Administrator. 56 Stat. 1028. 42U. S.C. 1701(a). 56 Stat. 1029. 42U. S.C . 1701(b). Release of employer and U. S . from liabil- ity.