Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1280

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 827-JULY 3,1948 Finality ofdecision. "(e) Any decision of the President as to facts under this section shall be final. "(f) No proclamation under this section shall be enforced in contra- vention of any treaty or other international agreement to which the United States is or hereafter becomes a party." 49Stat. 1149;60Stat. SEO. 4 . Section 8 (a), as amended, of the Soil Conservation and 16tU.S.C .§590h(a). Domestic Allotment Act is amended (a) by striking out "January 1, 1949" wherever appearing therein and inserting in lieu thereof "January 1, 1951", and (b) by striking out "December 31, 1948" and inserting in lieu thereof "December 31, 1950". Sec. 5. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Act, the Act noteu. S- - 1312 of July 28, 1945 (59 Stat. 506) shall continue in effect. Effective date. SEC. 6. This title shall take effect on January 1, 1949, except that sections 3 and 4 shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act. TITLE II-AMENDMENTS TO THE AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938 DEFINITIONS OF "PARITY PRICE", "CARRY-OVER", " NORMAL SUPPLY", AND "TOTAL SUPPLY" 2 Stt.c 131. SEC. 2 0 1. Section 301 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 is amended- (a) By striking out paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a) and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Parity price. " "(1) (A) The 'parity price' for any agricultural commodity, as of any date, shall be determined by multiplying the adjusted base price of such commodity as of such date by the parity index as of such date. pri"ejsted base "(B) The 'adjusted base price' of any agricultural commodity, as of any date, shall be (i) the average of the prices received by farmers for such commodity, at such times as the Secretary may select during each year of the ten-year period ending on the 31st of December last before such date, or during each marketing season beginning in such period if the Secretary determines use of a calendar year basis to be impracticable, divided by (ii) the ratio of the general level of prices received by farmers for agricultural commodities during such period to the general level of prices received by farmers for agricultural commodities during the period January 1910 to December 1914, inclusive. "Parity index." "(C) The 'parity index', as of any date, shall be the ratio of (i) the general level of prices for articles and services that farmers buy, interest on farm indebtedness secured by farm real estate, and taxes on farm real estate, for the calendar month ending last before such date to (ii) the general level of such prices, rates, and taxes during the period January 1910 to December 1914, inclusive. "(D) The prices and indices provided for herein, and the data used in computing them, shall be determined by the Secretary, whose determination shall be final. itypracesitional par- "(E) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (A), the transitional parity price for any agricultural commodity, computed as provided in this subparagraph, shall be used as the parity price for such commodity until such date after January 1, 1950, as such transitional parity price may be lower than the parity price, computed as provided in subparagraph (A), for such commodity. The transi- tional parity price for any agricultural commodity as of any date shall be- "(i) its parity price determined in the manner used prior to the effective date of the Agricultural Act of 1948, less "(ii) five per centum of the parity price so determined multi- plied by the number of full calendar years which, as of such date, have elapsed after January 1,1949. 1250 [62 STAT.